19 February
For anyone who still wishes to purchase a 2025 calendar there are a few more copies available at; Forget Me Not 2 Birch Street, Studio B Hair Salon 3 High Street, Mill Street Deli or from 17 Court Street. Or they are also available to purchase online from here where payment is via Paypal and delivery by post. Alternatively, they can be ordered using the order form from here with payment by cheque. .
With spring almost upon us the competition to generate photographs for the 2026 village calendar is drawing closer.
Photographs reflecting any of the 12 months of the year taken in recent years which represent our beautiful parish and our thriving community will be welcome; these may include scenic views, architectural and natural features, street scenes community activities, and any seasonal or unusual aspects of the parish.
As usual the competition will be open to residents of the Nayland with Wissington parish, and those who work in the parish or are active participants in parish societies/organisations. There is no age limit and we would love to have more entries from young people, the aim is to make it an enjoyable community project.
Deadline for receiving entries will be Monday 28th April
Further details are available here - please check this for rules and submission criteria
Further dates and details of village activities can be found in the Community Times
1st February: Police Engagement with Niall Johnson 9.30-midday Village Hall
3rd February: Village Hall Management Committee meeting 7.30pm Village Hall
7th February: Community Council: Fun Village Quiz 7.30pn sharp Village Hall
12th February: Parish Council: meeting 7.30pm Village Hall or by Zoom
13th February: Women’s Institute: Mike Rumsey ‘They were not all bad’ 2.30pm Village Hall
16th February: Country Music Sundays: ‘Dave Anderson’ 1.15pm for 2pm
17th February: Coloured Pencil Art Group: 6.30pm Village Hall
31st February: Village Cinema: ’The Critic’ open 6.30pm, screening 7.45pm Village Hall
3rd March: Community Council: AGM 7.30pm (Exec 7pm) Village Hall
3rd March: Village Hall Management Committee: AGM 8.15pm Village Hall
Other dates and details can be found in the Community Times
The latest issue for February/March is now available here.
The deadline for receipt of copy (subject to availability/resevation of space) for the April/May issue is 1pm on 19th March.
Film: For those of you not on social media, or who simply missed it.... as promised in the Community Times, here is the link to a fabulous film featuring Nayland's wonderful scenery and wildlife which was filmed by a local resident, Stuart Howells. Watching this is a real tonic.
Minutes of the meeting held on 6th January are available here.
Once again it was been wonderful to get together as a community to bring a little seasonal cheer to the streets on Nayland and Wiston. Residents have set their Christmas creativity free to be enjoyed by us all.
Winner of the Wreath Competition was Elaine Muskett at Harpers Estate – Congratulations!
The answers to the questions assigned to the Christmas trees are listed below:
St James’ Church: Who bought the first Christmas tree to England in 1800? Queen Charlotte, wife of King George III
Village Tree, High Street: Why do villagers gather together round this tree each year? To sing carols
The Old Guildhall: Which 1946 film has a Christmas tree with a ringing bell that gives angels their wings? It’s a Wonderful Life
Old Vicarage,4 High Street: These trees were planted in the 30s what variety are they? Yew tree
Studio B High Street: What furry creature can you see? Teddy Bear
Mill Stores, Mill Street: Mexican legend is that a weed given as a gift transformed into a plant now known as the Christmas Star. What plant is it? Poinsettia
4 Mill Street: How many trees are there in the wood?
31 Bear Street: What fruit is on top of the tree? Apple
33 Bear Street: What is a tree with fake snow called? A flocked Christmas tree
82 Bear Street: What bird was gifted on the 3rd day of Christmas? Three French hens
4 Wiston Road: To avoid bad luck, when should you take down your Christmas tree? 12th night, 5th January
St Mary’s Wiston: Who sang ‘The Happiest Christmas Tree’ released in 1959? Nat King Cole
A photo album of all the Advent Windows, Wreaths, Christmas trees and other displays is being assembled and will be available to view here soon.
The Community Council hope you enjoyed the Christmassy Trail around the village and thank all those who are participating
Answers to the Fun Quizes can be found below:
Royal Quiz Solutions
Think You Know Nayland Photo Quiz Solutions
5th June 2022: the Platinum Jubilee celebrating 70 years of the Queen’s reign. It was a wonderful event with a fabulous atmosphere and reflected the spirit of the Community Council in true Nayland with Wissington style. Whether you put up the bunting, rung the Church bells, sung in the choir, entered the fancy-dress parade, joined in with the community singing, were a member of the set up/clear up committee or just attended the event you were part of a day to remember. Thank you so much to Wendy Sparrow and her team of helpers for a wonderful 1950s exhibition which evoked so many wonderful childhood memories for so many people.
As featured in the August 2022 issue of the Community Times, the following correspondence was sent to the Environment Agency expressing concerns over the management of the section of the River Stour that runs through Nayland, They were asked to respond for circulation in the Community Times. These documents can be found below:
Letter to Sir James Bevan, CEO, Environment Agency
'A River in Need of Maintenance' Document
Timeline of Photographs 1975-present
In 2021the Parish Council raised concerns regarding erosion of the riverbank at Caley Green and proposed putting vegetation around the bay to prevent further erosion. There was public opposition to this; saying it would impair the open view and reduce access to the water’s edge; they would like an alternative solution such as installing revetment without vegetation. The background of this can be found in the following documents:
‘A Much Loved Village Amenity’: reaction, options, why it matters and more can be viewed here.
Visit the 'Save Caley Green Nayland' Facebook page by clicking here
'Caley Green Vegetation v's Revetment: weigh up the pros & cons yourself' can be viewed here
Details and timetables can be found at Hedingham & Chambers
Zumba class- To book please message 07791 496767
Table Tennis Club
25 February
26 February
weekly meeting
26 February
27 February
02 March
03 March
Table Tennis Club
There are useful local social media groups which offer interesting and useful information including:
There are TWO Public Access Defibrillators located in Nayland – on the outside wall of Nayland Fire Station and on the outside wall of Nayland Village Hall.
Always dial 999 in an emergency, the call handler will know there is a defibrillator nearby and will provide the access code if needed.